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Because I was admiring David Benatar's books and all the publicity around it, I looked on the net what's the face of that author. Is he old, young, white or black (good question in this admission policy case), but mainly does he look bright or likable to represent me when I say I like him? What a shock when I found the most cowardly attitude I dispised during my whole professional life : somebody asking to be hided out of the frame ! Here are the facts : | ||
On September 2nd, 2010 a live debate ( transcription ) on the University of Cape Town’s admissions policy was conducted at UCT with Prof Neville Alexander (Director, Project for the Study of Alternative Education in South Africa - PRAESA), Prof David Benatar (Dept of Philosophy), . . . |
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Here are enlargements of the above frame but it's not possible to see what's below the unpolite cap compare to neckties in this assembly.
Even by making such a work, we cannot be sure to see a white or black person in this debate of race. The only thing we are sure is not to find a close-up on the whole 8 pieces on 8 from that report left on Youtube and we are sure to keep a very bad feeling when the camera drags around on the left part of the conference room when the professor we want to see talks. |
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Has David Benatar been killed ?
It seems so mysterious that South African television hided a public speaker that we have to find explanations.
Ci dessous communiqué de Reuters du 17 mars 2006.: Article disponible sur le lien suivant : http://www.lexpress.fr/info/infojour/reuters.asp?id=16602&1234 http://challengestempsreel.nouvelobs.com/france/arti_29238_15083.html http://www.liberation.fr/page.php?Article=367879 http://www.eburneanews.net/eb.asp?menu=&id=53760 Piste
mafieuse retenue pour la voiture piégée près de Paris Reuters, vendredi 17 mars 2006 ![]() Le dossier a été transféré du parquet de Bobigny en Seine-Saint-Denis au
pôle spécialisé dans le crime organisé de Paris, en raison du mode opératoire,
rarement rencontré en France, et d'éléments montrant que la victime avait des
intérêts en Moldavie. David Benatar, un homme d'affaires, a été tué par une charge explosive
placée sous sa voiture, alors qu'il roulait sur l'autoroute A1, au nord de
Paris. L'explosion a blessé le second occupant de la voiture. Les policiers enquêtent sur les affaires menées par David Benatar en
Moldavie, ex-république soviétique qui abrite des réseaux criminels organisés.
Les investigations portent aussi sur des relations de la victime, présumées
proches du "milieu". Des analyses ont été demandées à un laboratoire spécialisé pour
déterminer la nature de l'explosif, savoir si la charge était munie d'un
retardateur ou a été déclenchée à distance. Le casier judiciaire de la victime n'a trace d'aucune condamnation
pénale, seulement des références à des procédures de faillite de sociétés
remontant aux années 1970. Il a bénéficié d'un non-lieu au milieu des années
1990 dans une affaire pénale financière.
Is David Benatar the ghost
This ecologist for years asked
Discovery Channel (Silver Spring) to put on the air more "green" programs. He has been arrested february 14th 2008 with his ultra terrorist poster (see on left) and got two weeks in prison, without permission to approach Discovery Channel building.
He was shot down by the police at 4:48 PM (E.T.). As we can see on the only picts of David Benatar taken from above videos, we can recognize the same cap wich was filmed
It could be moldavian terrorists killing a maffioso and Washington police shooting an ecologist may be different, but we have to admit :
As far as nobody explain me the hide and seek to the camera the day after that ecologist who was shot down had the same cap wednesday september 1st, and the annonce of another killed person wednesday, march 15th 2006 called David Benatar, I have to hypothesise those three persons to be the same ghost; any one who could help me to contact THE alive David Benatar is requested to write me (N.B. Several time I wrote to David.Benatar@uct.ac.za without getting any answer. Did I make a mistake in thie e-mail adress, even if the mailman-system accepted it?) |